Friday 19 April 2013

Interview 1 with Soft Toys - Lamb

Hi all viewers out there, if you have seen my Facebook account for my Super Lamb Blog, you should have heard about my new category, Interviews! The interviews will be about soft toys, and today's limelight is Lamb! Let's see what he has to say...

Me: Hi Lamb! All the viewers out there want to know more about you! How's life being a soft toy?
Lamb: It's great! Just that people tease me that I am very small... *sad*
Me: But is there any good being a small soft toy, not like Cottonsocks?
Cottonsocks: Did you call me? Why are you holding a microphone?
Me: Cut! *cameraman stops the recording* Here is the Interviewing Room! Do you want to get...
Cottonsocks: No!!
Me (thinking): Interview 2 will be about you, though.
Lamb (replying my question just now): Yeah! Once my teacher dropped the classroom key into the drain and I could climb into it and get the key back! Although I was a bit dirty at that time. Hee hee!
Me: That's great! What would you like to be when you grow up?
Lamb: I would want to be a chef, when I have time I can also go and play golf.
Jing Lu: Lamb, are you being interviewed by our owner?
Lamb: Yes! Would you want to be interviewed too?
Jing Lu: Oh, great!
Me: Sure Jing Lu! So I'll put you for interview 2 and Cottonsocks for interview 3. Last question Lamb, what hobbies do you do?
Lamb: I write magazines and books, play golf, take pictures, blogging and "facebooking".
Me: Just like me! Yay! *claps hands*
Cottonsocks (from room): I don't want to be interviewed!!!
Me: Haha!

Written by: Super Lamb
Photos taken by: Super Lamb

(top to bottom: Lamb, Cottonsocks and Jing Lu)


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