Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Hay Day Series 3: Fishing Boat - Lure Workbench

Here's more Hay Day again! But today, we're not doing crops or production machines, but concentrating on the Fishing Boat! There are 3 things u can do in the Fishing Boat (the fishing boat is unlocked at Level 27 and takes 3 days 2 build). They are:
- Lure Fishing (u need the Lure Workbench, vouchers if u r "colour fishing") Unlocks at level 27
- Net Fishing (u need the Net Maker, diamonds if u r net fishing using the Mystery Net) Unlocks at level 30
- Lobster Fishing (u need the Net maker to produce Lobster Net and Lobster Pool) Unlocks at level 44

Today, we're going to concentrate on the Lure Workbench! 

U can create 5 different types of lures. There are:
- Red Lure 
- Green Lure 
- Blue Lure
- Purple Lure
- Gold Lure

How long does it take to make the lures? Let's find out:
Red lure: 1 hour n 30 mins
Green lure: 1 hour n 15 mins
Blue lure: 1 hour
Purple lure: 45 mins
Gold lure: 30 mins

U need vouchers to make the lures? What kind of vouchers do u need? Let's find out:
Red lure: Nothing
Green lure: 1 green voucher
Blue lure: 1 blue voucher
Purple lure: 1 purple voucher
Gold lure: 1 golden voucher

These lures can be used to catch different types of fish. Let's find out what type of fish u can catch (This list is incomplete, comment below to help complete this list):
Red lure: Huchen
Copper Redhorse
Green lure: Roach
Northern Pike
Brook Trout
Spotted Sunfish
Coho Salmon
Yellow Perch
Shadow Bass
Largemouth Bass
Grass Carp
Northern Studfish
Green Sunfish
Blue lure:
Brook Trout
Northern Studfish
Lake Sturgeon
Bluespotted Sunfish
Rainbow Smelt
Yellow Bass
Striped Bass
Purple lure: 
Lake Sturgeon
Coho Salmon
Bluespotted Sunfish
Grass Carp
Shadow Bass
Spotted Sunfish
Greater Redhorse
Longear Sunfish
Gold lure:
Yellow Perch
Speckled Dace
Northern Pike
Greater Redhorse
Yellow Bass
Green Sunfish
GOLDEN TROUT!!!!!!! (rarest fish)

After u catch a fish, u will get 1 piece of fish fillet. U can sell the fish fillet at the roadside shop for 1-54 dollars. U can use the fish fillet to produce stuff. There are:

Bakery: Frutti Di Mare Pizza
BBQ Grill: FIsh burger
Fish and Chips
Pie oven: Fish pie
Soup kitchen: Fish soup
Sushi bar: Sushi roll
Salad bar: Seafood salad

Hope this post helped and don't forget to check the other Hay Day posts!

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