Monday, 6 May 2013

Book Review 9 - One-Minute Mysteries and Brain Teasers

Welcome to the Super Lamb Blog! Today I'll be doing Book Review 9, and as you know in Book Review 8, I'm going to show the updated points list for the books! Let's get straight to the point, and here's the picture of the cover page of the book:

It's about short little mysteries to rack your brains. Set one minute on your timer and your friend can read out the mystery and clues if you need too. Sometimes you can do it on your own too! It's very fun. Here's a mystery for you:
Mystery: A man is looking at a clock that displays the correct time, but he doesn't know what time is it. Why not?
1. The man can see perfectly well.
2. The clock is normal and in plain sight.
3. More than 1 clock is in the room.
If you have the answer in your brain, like our Super Lamb Facebook page and answer the question! Each person that gets the answer right on the Facebook page gets 100 points!
Now, back to the review.
Can you think outside the box? These short, interactive mysteries will provide hours of fun whether you solve them alone or test the sleuthing skills of your friends or family. Challenging enough for adults yet appropriate for detectives of all ages, each puzzle includes a cartoon that adds to the fun.
If you get stumped by a puzzle, check the "Clues" section. Or if you think you know the answer, look at the clues anyway - they may steer you in a surprising new direction! The solution for each puzzle is included in the back of the book.
Now, the ratings for this book! By the way you can buy this book at Singapore's Campus Crusade.
Content: 10/10
Colours: 8/10
Intresting facts: 9 and a half/10
Total rating: 27 and a half/10
Congrats for One-Minute Mysteries and Brain Teasers for being the best book for all the book reviews so far!
Here's the updated leaderboard for the ratings (As of 6 May 2013):
1. One Minute Mysteries and Brain Teasers 27 and a half/30
2. Lamb All Alone 26 and a half/30
T3: The Mystery Meat Loaf 26/30
T3: The Digital Deception 26/30
T3: Science Adventures 26/30
T3: Partners In Crime 26/30
7: Five Run Away Together 25 and a half/30
T8: The Missing Moola 24/30
T8: Charlotte's Web 24/30
T10: The Disappearing Dogs 23/30
T10: The Ruined Ram 23/30

That's the end and I hoped you enjoyed it!

Written by: Super Lamb
Picture taken by: Super Lamb

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