Friday, 31 May 2013

2000+ Page Views Post - Part 2

And it's back to 'Doing Things with Super Lamb' - 2000+ Page Views Post Part 2! Sorry I forgot about it yesterday, and instead I posted Happy Lamb Dialogue 19 in Chinese. Today, it's part 2 and it's about My Creations 1 - Making Colourful Blue Tacks! Here's the picture of my 3 colourful tacks:

(Left to right: Green Tack, Peach (Orange, Dark Orange) Tack and Purple (Pink, Violet) Tack
Want to know how to make all these clourful tacks? Do it by following these steps!
Green Tack (1st from left in picture)
Step 1: Take out a blue tack.
Step 2: Colour the whole piece of tack with yellow highlighter. (It's yellow not green)
Step 3: Roll the tack up and keep mixing it.
Step 4: If it is still a bit yellow/blueish, keep repeating Step 2 and 3.
Step 5: Once the colour is to your favour, you can use it for any kind of purpose, like sticking papers on wall and others!
Peach Tack (In the middle of picture)
Step 1: Take out a blue tack.
Step 2: Colour the whole piece of tack with orange highlighter.
Step 3: Roll the tack up and keep mixing it.
Step 4: If it is still a bit orange/blueish, keep repeating Step 2 and 3.
Step 5: Once the colour is to your favour, you can use it for any kind of purpose, like sticking papers on wall and others!
Purple Tack (Last tack from right in picture)
Step 1: Take out a blue tack.
Step 2: Colour the whole piece of tack with pink/purple highlighter.
Step 3: Roll the tack up and keep mixing it.
Step 4: If it is still a bit pink/blueish, keep repeating Step 2 and 3.
Step 5: Once the colour is to your favour, you can use it for any kind of purpose, like sticking papers on wall and others!
That's the end and remember to see part 3 which is tomorrow!
Written by: Super Lamb
Steps and photos by: Super Lamb

Thursday, 30 May 2013

开心小羊对话 (十九)

这个是开心小羊对话 (十九)(要记得先读开心小羊 (十八)

每个人除了医生和哪些晕倒的洋娃娃:那... 是你弄颈鹿晕倒的!给我们的钱回!
猪猪:*看见医生* (医生已经晕倒了) 医生也晕倒?哈,哈!
洋在开心小羊对话 (十八) 晕倒:为什么您要这样?
林康:好吧。A 在很大的停车场找不到他的车子,然后决定开发动机,听车子的声音。B 走过A 的车子,看到了发动机被开了。B 决定偷车子,进去车,就开动了。在这个故事,漏洞是什么?
你可以猜到答案吗?答案会在开心小羊对话 (二十)




Wednesday, 29 May 2013

2000+ Page Views Post Part 1

Do you suddenly feel excited by the title? I think so, because today, I'm going to post 2000+ Page Views! Excited? Let's see the contents for 'Doing Things with Super Lamb'!
Part 1: Playing Your Own Battle for Money Game
Part 2: My Creations 1 - Making Colourful Blue Tacks
Part 3: My Creations 2 - Folding Paper to make a Game

And today's topic is playing your own Battle For Money Game!

If you have seen the original post (that link is above), you should know more about what I'm posting today, and if you have seen the video on youtube (for people who knows Japanese and Chinese), you will know about this even more. Now, let's see the props for playing your own Battle for Money game!

Balls (the ones that reflect light) change to ------------------------------------- Ping pong balls (Picture 1) (The number of players equal to how many balls should be brought, but each player can have up to 5 balls, and each player should have 1 at first and the others can be hidden)
Shield (metal shield) change to --------------------------------------------------- Ferrero Rocher Boxes (Picture 2) (Only children and women players should have 1 Shield each)
Back Shield (made of some kind of material, put at the back) change to --- A piece of cardboard, use scotchtape to paste at the back (Picture 3) (Make sure you can take out the scotchtape, these can be hidden too)
Catapult (real one) change to ----------------------------------------------------- (I don't know how will you do this)
Gun (the arrows are not real, they are balls) change to ----------------------- (I don't know how will you do this too)

And here are the pictures!




Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Cooking Factory Story 4 (Breadless Bread) Part 2

Part 2 of Cooking Factory Story 4, "Breadless Bread" is here! Before this, click here if you haven't seen part 1 of this story. Now, we are going to part 2!

Chapter 4: I Don't Think So
"I don't think finding out information from the producers will help, let's find some other clues to help us solve this case." Piggy suggested, and we all nodded our head. As I had to go to work in McLovers and Lamb, Cottonsocks and Porky went to their school for some co-curricular activities, only a few soft toys were left, and they all went back to their home. At home, then all of them realised there was only Breadless Bread and Blandless Eggs for lunch! "I'll never eat those yucky food!" Carrot exclaimed. "You want to starve to death is it?" Lim Kwun scolded Carrot. "Ok then." Carrot replied, and all decided to go down to the nearest "Lamb Eleven" shop downstairs, where eggs were sold. Then, they saw a sight which they didn't want to see. "Shop Closed today and tomorrow".

Chapter 5: Lamb Eleven and Lamb 'N' Save
"What? Then we still have to go to Lamb 'N' Save for food? I'm starving." Acke shouted, and then her stomach growled out loud. They all decided that it was a must to go to Lamb 'N' Save, and they all "rolled" there. It was another astonishing sight as... The shop was on fire! "AHHHHHHH!!!" All of them shouted and ran as fast as they could. As Jing Lu never took his NAPFA test yet, he was not good at running and stopped after a while. "I...I can't run anymore!" Jing Lu screamed, and then fainted. Lamb, I, Cottonsocks and Porky met at Chicklamb Avenue, and walked to Lamb 'N' Save to buy some groceries. Little did we know that Lamb 'N' Save was on fire...

Chapter 6: Dragging Jing Lu
"Hi Lamb, are you near Lamb 'N' Save?" Acke called Lamb, while Lim Kwun was trying to get hold of his best friend and the other soft toys were trying to drag Jing Lu home. "Yes, I'm arrving there soon with Cottonsocks, Porky and our owner!" Lamb replied Acke. "Then quickly come! Lamb 'N' Save is on fire and Jing Lu fainted. Oops, we need more help now!" Acke exclaimed when she saw Piggy drop onto the floor, and the other soft toys got a shock. The fire flames were spreading fast! The soft toys all sprinted to their home while Acke and Lim Kwun were trying to run while dragging Jing Lu and Piggy. At that time, Lamb, Porky, Cottonsocks and I saw the scene of Lamb 'N' Save. Bravely, Cottonsocks rushed into Lamb 'N' Save. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING???!!!" All of us shouted.

Will Cottonsocks be safe? Find out in part 3 of "Breadless Bread"!

Monday, 27 May 2013

Happy Lamb Dialogue 21

Here's Happy Lamb Dialogue 21! (Continued from Happy Lamb Dialogue 20)
Everyone except Lamb: Alice Lucy Brown's initals are ALB at 3 years old. Then at 5 years old, her intials are CND. All the letters go up by 2 because she grew 2 years more.
Lamb: Exactly on the dot!
Everyone: *claps hands with each other*
Jing Lu: I have a brain teaser. You want to hear it?
Everybody except Jing Lu: Yes!
*Carrot comes back from the toilet and asks about the first brain teaser*
Porky: Carrot, just click here and you'll see the answer.
Carrot: Ok!
Jing Lu: Here's the third brain teaser: Why is the baker a cruel man?
Everybody except Jing Lu: *scratches heads*
Lambie: Is it the baker... Aiyah, don't know.
Piggy: I am blur like sotong! (like doesn't know anything)
Everyone except Piggy: ROFLOL!
Acke: Is it 'the baker beats eggs'?
Jing Lu: Correct!
Everybody except Acke and Jing Lu: So good! How did you know the answer?
Acke: I read a book on brain teasers a few days ago and saw this brain teaser.
Lambie: Yes, I got another brain teaser!
Everyone except Lambie: Share it with us!
Lim Kwun: I also have another brain teaser. Will share it with you all later.
Everybody except Lim Kwun and Lambie: Ok. Lambie, you can share it now!
Lambie: Here is it. Tomato and Potato decided to compete in a race on a Tuesday. At first, Tomato was in front of Potato but at the last 1 kilometre, Potato overtook Tomato and said something. What did Potato say?
Cottonsocks: Did Potato say, "I'm winning!"

Is Cottonsocks correct? Find out in Happy Lamb Dialogue 22!

Written by: Super Lamb
Photos taken by: Super Lamb

(top to bottom: Lamb, Jing Lu, Carrot, Porky, Lambie and Piggy and Cottonsocks)

Sunday, 26 May 2013

School Holiday Games (Part 2)

Finally, School Holiday Games are back! You'll love this part, as there will be more fantastic and easy to set-up games! If you haven't seen part 1, please click here. Sorry that these games still won't have pictures as I have used some of the props to do some other things. Now, let's see part 2!

Game 8: Blockbuster - Difficulty: (5 blocks - Medium, 6 and 7 blocks - Hard Low)
Stack 5, 6 or 7 Jenga blocks on top of each other. The tower must be freestanding for 3 seconds. If the tower falls before 3 seconds, the contestant will have to restart again.

Game 9: Flip Your Lid - Difficulty: (Sticks - Low Hard, Cup - Medium)
The contestant must flip sticks in an attempt to land 4 of the sticks in the cup. Alternately, the sticks can be replaced by a plastic cup and the metal cup be replaced by a plastic bottle, which is a more diffcult game.

Game 10: Musical Cups - Difficulty: Low Hard
The contestant must arrange water-filled glasses so that when they are tapped with a metal spoon, they play the tune, "Happy Birthday to You". (The first sentence of the song only)

Game 11: Stay On Key - Difficulty: Low
The contestant must use a head of a key to flip two keys into 2 shot glasses. The game also can be played using the tip of the key, but it will be nearly impossible.

Game 12: Sticky Balls - Difficulty: Low Low
The contestant, armed with marbles, must roll 5 glass marbles onto sticky tape. If a marble hits another marble sticked onto the sticky tape and it came off, that marble will not be counted.

Game 13: Whippersnapper - Difficulty: (1 ball - Low Hard, 3 balls - Hard Low)
Using a piece of newspaper (or towel), the contestant must whip-launch ping-pong balls about 60-70 inch away into a basket.

That's the end of School Holiday Games and I hope you enjoyed it!

Written by: Super Lamb

Saturday, 25 May 2013

Interview 8 with Soft Toys - Green Bear (Part 2)

Here's part 2 of Interview 8 - Green Bear! If you haven't seen part 1, please click here.
*The soft toys' walk to the office, where Green Bear was hiding*
Green Bear (whispers to himself): Oh no. They are coming.
Lamb: Where are we looking first, under the tables or in the big store room?
*Green Bear heard the conversation*
Green Bear (whispers to himself): Please don't look under the tables!
Porky: How about looking under the tables?
Piggy: We should look in that big store room, if Green Bear ain't there, he should be under the tables or at other rooms.
Everyone except Piggy and Green Bear: Ok!
*Soon they arrive in the big store room and Green Bear gets ready to tip-toe out*
Green Bear: *trips over a box* Ah!
*As the soft toys' were quite deep inside, they heard only a faint voice and Green Bear quickly rolled away*
Furry Lamb: Did all of you heard a faint voice outside?
Everyone except Jing Lu: Yup.
Jing Lu: No because I was moving some boxes away.
*Just when Green Bear was rolling out, Doggy spotted him*
Doggy: What are you doing here Green Bear, I thought Furry Lamb was supposed to interview you?
Green Bear (whispering): Lower down your volume, I'm trying to hide away from Furry Lamb.
*In the meantime, Lamb and Cottonsocks decided to go out to check on the office, while they were walking, they heard a loud voice*
Lamb: Let's follow the voice!
Cottonsocks: Good idea, Lamb!
*They walked to the voice and was heading towards the office, at the office...*
Doggy: Why Green Bear?
Green Bear (in a soft voice): I already told you to soften your voice, Doggy!
*At that moment, Cottonsocks and Lamb opened the door and spotted Green Bear and Doggy*
Lamb: Run!
Green Bear: Danger, Doggy run!
*The cat and mouse run lasted for 10 minutes, but Doggy didn't run...*
Doggy: I'm just wasting my energy and definitely, I won't run for no reason.
Green Bear: *runs past the office* Doggy, come help me!
*Doggy didn't heard what Green Bear said as he picked up the box which Green Bear tripped over*
Doggy: I wonder where this box came from...
*Meanwhile, in the big store room*
Porky: Why are Lamb and Cottonsocks taking so long to check out that voice?
Furry Lamb: Maybe they already found them!
Jing Lu: Let's go! *everyone runs to the exit*

Will the soft toys' find Green Bear? Find out in part 3 which is going to be published on 29 May 2013!

(top to bottom: Green Bear, Lamb, Piggy, Porky, Furry Lamb, Jing Lu, Doggy and Cottonsocks)



Friday, 24 May 2013

开心小羊对话 (十四)

Hello and welcome to the Super Lamb Blog! For some Happy Lamb Dialogues, I'll be translating them into Chinese! As Happy Lamb Dialogue 14 is one of my most popular most, I'll be translating that first! If you don't know Chinese, click here for the English version.


羊一:我认为是这里,因为我记得我们的主人跟我们讲他住在block 371





(从上面到下面: 肉猪,羊乐,好羊,羊肥,羊一和猪猪,肉腿和绿熊)


Thursday, 23 May 2013

Happy Lamb Dialogue 20

Here's Happy Lamb Dialogue 20! (Continued from Happy Lamb Dialogue 19)
Jing Lu: What is loophole?
Cottonsocks: You don't even know what's loophole? *faints onto the floor*
Lamb: Hey Jing Lu only's 6 years old you know? He hasn't even learned this word yet.
*Cottonsocks wakes up from his sleep, Lim Kwun explains the meaning of loophole, after explaining...*
Porky: Can the answer be no loophole?
Lim Kwun: *face palms* Definately not.
Carrot: Answer is... Oh I need to go to the toilet!
Acke: The answer is I want to go to the toilet?
Everybody except Carrot and Acke : ROFLOL!
Lambie: I think the answer is Llllllaaaammmmbbbbsssss.
Lim Kwun: How can 'Lambs' be a loophole? Give up?
Everybody except Lim Kwun: Yes!
Piggy: Wait, give me one last try. Was it Person B fainted while walking?
Lim Kwun: No, it's wrong. Since Person B doesn't even have the key to put inside one side of a car to make it work, how does he even drive it?
Everyone except Lim Kwun: Aiyoh, so easy, why didn't we think of it?
Lamb: Want another brain teaser?
Everybody except Lamb: Yeah!
Lamb: Ok. Someone named Alice Lucy Brown is 3 years old. When she turns 5 years old, her name becomes Cheryl Nicky Davies. Why?
Porky: Why?
Cottonsocks: Hahaha. Lamb asked you why.
Piggy: This question is racking my brains until it's going to burst!
Everyone except Piggy: ROFLOL!
Acke: How can a name become another name when she is the same person?
Lamb: Look at the start of the letter for the first name, and then the second name. Soon you'll get the answer.
*After dicussing for 5 minutes...*
Everybody except Lamb: We know the answer!
Lamb: That's great! What is the answer?

What is the soft toys' answer? Will they be correct? Find out in Happy Lamb Dialogue 21!

Written by: Super Lamb
Photos taken by: Super Lamb

(top to bottom: Jing Lu, Cottonsocks, Lamb,  Porky, Carrot and Lambie and Piggy)

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Super Lamb 1800+ Page Views Quiz 7

Welcome back to Super Lamb Quizzes! Finally Quiz 7 is here! Before I post today's quiz, I will show you the answers for quiz 6.

Catagory 1
Q1. 3
Q2. 1

Catagory 2
Q1. 2
Q2. 2
Q3. 3

Catagory 3
Q1. 3
Q2. 2
Q3. 1

Catagory 4
Q1. 3
Q2. 3

Now, let's start quiz 7!

Catagory 1: Book Reviews

Q1. Which is the highest-rated book so far, as of the rating table in Book Review 9?
1) Lamb all Alone
2) The Mystery Meat Loaf
3) One Minute Mysteries and Brain Teasers

Q2. Which book review post did I say, "This story is about a big rain, and the rain was so heavy that the lambs in the field couldn't get out"?
1) Book Review 7
2) Book Review 8
3) Book Review 9

Catagory 2: School Holiday Games

Q1. Which School Holiday Game in Part 1 do you think I like the most?
1) Cup Dominoes
2) Play it by Ear
3) Sticker Picker Upper

Q2. Which games in part 1 are the difficulty 'Hard Low'?
1) Game 3 and 7
2) Game 4 and 5
3) Game 5 and 7

Q3. Which game in part 1 uses sticky tape?
1) Sticker Picker Upper
2) Sticky Situation
3) Arch the Block

Catagory 3: Interviews with Soft Toys

Q1. Which interview has parts?
1) Interview 6
2) Interview 7
3) Interview 8

Q2. Who said, "Ok Carrot, here's your special interview" in Interview 6?
1) Lamb
2) Carrot
3) Doggy

Q3. Who was the earliest soft toy I interviewed?
1) Cottonsocks
2) Lamb
3) Jing Lu

Catagory 4: Anything

Q1. Do you like the first few HLD (Happy Lamb Dialogues) or the last few HLD?
1) First few
2) Last few
3) Not sure

Q2. Would you rather read an interview, HLD or a Block City Update?
1) Interview
2) Block City Update
3) Happy Lamb Dialogue

That's the end of the quiz and I hope you enjoyed it!

Written by: Super Lamb

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Interview 8 with Soft Toys - Green Bear (Part 1)

Here's Interview with Soft Toys - Green Bear! (Not an interview though)
*Furry Lamb drags Green Bear to the interviewing room*
Green Bear: Wow, you're still in Lambland! I thought you already went to Lambcity. By the way, why did you bring me to the interviewing room?
Furry Lamb: Because... I'm interviewing you!
Jing Lu: That's great! But...
Green Bear: Wah!!!! I don't want to be interviewed!!!!
Piggy: *scratches his head* I thought Green Bear agreed to be interviewed?
Furry Lamb: I have no idea.
Lamb: *rushes into the room* I have great news for you!
Everybody except Green Bear and Lamb:  What is it?
Lamb: Green Bear has agreed to go for a interview!
Everyone except Green Bear and Lamb: We have bad news for you too.
Porky: *walks into the room* I heard you have some bad news for Lamb. Can I hear too?
*Piggy looks at the soft toys which knew the bad news and they all nodded their heads*
Everybody except Porky, Green Bear and Lamb: Green Bear just ran out of the room, cried and doesn't want to get interviewed.
Lamb and Porky: What the lamb? Then can we chase Green Bear?
Jing Lu: We all don't know where he went to, as there are about 5 paths to go from the interviewing room.
Everyone except Green Bear and Jing Lu: Really? Then how do we find him?
*Meanwhile, in the office...*
Green Bear: *shivers* I...I don't wa...want to interviewed!
*In the interviewing room...*
Furry Lamb: Shall we go straight to the office? I think Green Bear is there.
Everyone except Green Bear and Furry Lamb: Ok.

What will happen? Will the soft toys find Green Bear? Find it out in part 2!

Written by: Super Lamb
Photos taken by: Super Lamb

(top to bottom: Green Bear, Furry Lamb, Jing Lu, Piggy, Lamb and Porky)


Monday, 20 May 2013

Happy Lamb Dialogue 19

Here's Happy Lamb Dialogue 19! (Continued from Happy Lamb Dialogue 18)
Doctor: I opened up all the windows as it was very hot. I didn't think instead the heatness would come in.
Everyone except the doctor and the soft toys who fainted: Then... You were the one who made Jing Lu fainted! Give us our money back!
Doctor: But...
Everyone except the doctor and the soft toys who fainted: GIVE US OUR MONEY BACK!
*At that moment, Jing Lu was frightened by the soft toys and woke up*
Jing Lu: What the lamb are you shouting? It's so noisy.
Lamb and Porky: It's because the doctor is the one who caused you to faint! Eh, why we are the only 2 saying that?
Cottonsocks, Carrot, Lim Kwun and Acke: Look behind and you'll know.
*Lamb and Porky looks behind and gets a surprise...*
Lamb: The doctor fainted? Now what are we gonna do?
*Suddenly all the soft toys who fainted woke up*
Lambie: What the lamb were we doing just now?
Jing Lu: You were fainting.
Porky: I don't think you call it "fainting" when Lambie already fainted a long time ago.
Jing Lu: Oh. *Embarassed*
Piggy: *looks at the doctor that fainted* The doctor also fainted? ROFLOL!
Lim Kwun and Acke: Let's go now! *drags the soft toys and bring them out of the hospital*
The soft toys who fainted in Happy Lamb Dialogue 18: Why are you bringing us out like this?
Acke: It's a long story. *continues dragging and finally reaches their home*
Everyone except Acke: I'm so tired!
Lim Kwun: Want an easy brain teaser to wake you all up?
Everyone except Lim Kwun: Yes Daddy! (For Acke she will say Husband)
Lim Kwun: Here is it. Person A couldn't find his car in the huge carpark and decided to on the engine to hear the sound of the car. Person B walked pass Person A's car and saw the engine on. He decided to steal the car, go into it and drive off. What was the loophole in this story?
Everyone except Lim Kwun: Huh?

Can you guess this easy brain teaser? The answer will be provided in Happy Lamb Dialogue 20!

Written by: Super Lamb
Photos taken by: Super Lamb

(top to bottom: Jing Lu, Lamb, Porky, Cottonsocks, Carrot and Lambie and Piggy)





Sunday, 19 May 2013

Cooking Factory Story 4 (Breadless Bread) Part 1

Hi to all viewers out there, welcome back to the Super Lamb Blog! I have a question for you - Do you like "Breadless Bread"? This Cooking Factory Story will tell you about the soft toys adventuring the piece of "Breadless Bread"!

Chapter 1: Eating Breakfast
"McLovers and Lamb's Sidewalk Restaurant ain't open today right?" Porky asked the other soft toys in old English. "Hey, I'm here, how could I be in the restaurant?" Lamb replied and everyone laughed out loud. "How about McLovers?" Jing Lu exclaimed. "I think I just saw our owner just now, so I don't think we can go to McLovers today." Piggy added. They could easily meet each other as the soft toys' room were linked to a big lounge room. Then they saw their parents, Acke Wood and Pooh Lim Kwun standing in front of the door and shouted "Breakfast is ready!" until I also heard it and walked to the dining table for breakfast. "So what's the menu for today?" Cottonsocks questioned. "It's Creamy Scrambled Eggs!" announced Acke. "Woohoo!" everybody including me screamed.

Chapter 2: A Bit Weird
"Let's prepare the table!" Carrot suggested, and we all prepared the tablecloth, cutlery and bread. Soon we were ready to eat breakfast! Suddenly, Lamb took a bite into the bread and spat it out onto his plate. The same thing happened to everyone, including me. "Why does this bread taste so yucky? What brand of bread is this?" I shouted and spat out more bread. "We bought the brand "Lambreadia". It was everyone's favourite bread and I don't know why today's bread taste so plain and yucky." Lim Kwun replied. "Then I think we only have scrambled eggs for today's breakfast." Lamb added. Everyone took a bite into it and it was a "spitting" mess again. "Why does this egg taste plain also? What is the brand of these eggs?" Porky asked and kept spitting out egg. "It's the brand "Lambaegg". This was the best brand in Lambland and Lambcity and has been always our favourite." Acke exclaimed. "Wait, wanna try this, this and this?" Lambie suggested and we decided to follow Lambie's plan.

Chapter 3: The Cooking Factory
"Here's the Cooking Factory?" all of the soft toys including me asked Lim Kwun and Acke. "Yes here is it, where they produce eggs, bread and many others from "Lambreadia", "Lambaegg" and "Lamblapis"." Acke answered. "Porky, Lambie and Piggy, you can find out about "Lambredia". Me, Lamb and Cottonsocks will find out about "Lambaegg" and the rest can check out "Lamblapis." I instructed the soft toys and we got to work. After 20 minutes we all gathered and shared about the 3 companies. "Lambredia produces bread like the normal bread companies." Porky exclaimed. "When Lambaegg produces eggs they let the eggs go through another process." Lamb added. "Lamblapis makes Kueh Lapis in a special form, they use dough to make the shape, bake them and add cranberries and prunes sometimes. Then they will put the Kueh Lapis into a 40 degree room and let them rest for 30 minutes." Acke told everyone.

What happened to the bread and eggs? Find out in part 2 of "Breadless Bread"!

Written by: Super Lamb

Saturday, 18 May 2013

Spongebob Soccer Game Review

Welcome to the Super Lamb Blog! If you have been reading my blog frequently, you should have knew that I haven't been posting any Game or Product Reviews. Finally, I have a new game to share with you today! Here's a picture of the game:

I can't give reviews neither ratings because... I don't even know how to play. On the plastic bag they gave instructions to put the ball on the Spongebob's head and use its hands to catapult it. (I think it is more like soccer heading) When I catapulted it, "funnily" the Spongebob would instead fall down and the ball would just be catapulted a few centimetres. Sometimes, it wouldn't fall down - just the ball would just remain on the head. Actually I have thrown the plastic bag away and I think I read the instructions wrongly...
That's the end and I hope you enjoyed it!
Written by: Super Lamb
Photo taken by: Super Lamb

Friday, 17 May 2013

Super Lamb's Block City Update 13

I hope you had like my Block City Updates so far and finally, one's here! It's Block City Update 13! Are you excited on what are the new things in my Block City? Let's see the pictures of the changes:

In the first picture, I added a Lamb Clinic. It is to help the villagers living in Block City be well if they were sick. Also, in the 2 pictures, I put a sign 'Exams Over' because my examinations. How about you?
That's the end and I hoped you enjoyed it!
Written by: Super Lamb
Photos taken by: Super Lamb