Sunday, 17 March 2013

Super Lamb 400+ Page Views Quiz 1

Welcome to the world of Super Lamb quizzes! You may have been thinking about my 400+ page views which I have said in "Happy Lamb Dialogue 2". Doesn't have any parts at all, just thinking of a reason to put the guests in the dialogue. :) This Super Lamb Quiz consists of what I have post recently (and not so recent) to make you happy, and it's about 400+ page views. You can comment and say the answers, but there will be no prizes, just for fun. Answers will be given in quiz 2.

Catagory 1 - Block City Versions

Q1. How many block city versions do I have? (As of 17 March 2013)
1) 5
2) 6
3) 7

Q2. How many shops do I have in the latest version, version 1.3.4? (As of 17 March 2013 and not counting the school, park etc)
1) 17
2) 10
3) 8

Catagory 2 - CNY Game Festival

Q1. Which item below is not used in all of the CNY fesival games?

1) Oranges
2) Golf balls
3) Ping pong balls

Q2) What is the title of the second CNY festival game?

1) The Orange Machine
2) Coin it Up
3) Flip Off

Catagory 3 - Yummilicious Real Food

Q1) In the 2 recipes (Creamy Scrambled Eggs and Egg in a Nest), which ingredient is used in both recipes? (As of 17 March 2013)

1) Unthickened Cream
2) Eggs
3) Bread

Q2) How many steps does the recipe Creamy Scrambled Eggs have?

1) 5
2) 7
3) 9

Catagory 4 - Anything

Q1) Which are the only 3 catagories that have only 1 post? (As of 16 March 2013 and not including Super Lamb Quizzes and Other)

1) Page Views Posts, Gardening Plants and Food Stories
2) Book Reviews, Product Reviews and Game Reviews
3) CYOA Books (Mine), Food Stories and Yummilicious Fake Food

That's the end of the quiz and I hoped you had enjoyed it!

Written by: Super Lamb


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. How about catagory 4? Please make your answers clearer. Very confused. Thanks :)
