Monday, 11 March 2013

Egg in a Nest Recipe 2

Welcome back to the SuperLamb blog! Today's recipe is called Egg in a Nest.
Here are the equipment and ingredients you need for cooking Egg in a Nest below and before we begin, let's see the other recipe which I posted a few days ago. The link is below:
Creamy Scrambled Eggs Recipe 1

Equipment (Picture 1):
A small circle (Don't know what is it called, see Picture 1)

Ingredients (Picture 1):
8 slices crusty Italian bread
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
8 large free-range eggs
salt and freshly ground black pepper

Recipe (* means need adult supervision for that step):
Step 1: Cut a 4cm (1.5in) hole in each of the slices of bread. (Picture 1)
Step 2: Brush one side of each slice of bread with olive oil. (Picture 1)
Step 3*: Place the bread, oil side down, in a frying pan (skillet) on medium heat. (Picture 1)
Step 4*: Break an egg into the hole of each slice of bread. If you need help with the pan, break an egg into a small dish first and an adult can pour the egg into the bread. (Picture 2)
Step 5*: Once the egg starts to set, brush a little oil and turn to cook the other side of the bread and complete the cooking of the egg. (Picture 2)
Step 6: Sprinkle with salt and pepper and serve. (Picture 2)

That's the end and I hope you will enjoy this recipe!

Written by: Me
Photos taken by: Me

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