Polarb: How do we go into "The Big Lamb"?
Lamb: U don't know? *Puts a shocking face*
Jing Lu: I'll teach you. *Exits out of the main chat and goes into a private chat with Polarb*
Hornsie, Father & Mother Lamb: We're in the Big Lamb!
*Meanwhile, Jing Lu is still teaching Polarb*
Lamb: Let's play! But do u know how to play?
Father Lamb: I know!
Mother Lamb: Yeppie!
Hornsie: I forgot.
Lamb: Ok Hornsie, do u know how to play Minion Rush/Subway Surfers?
Hornsie: Definitely!
Lamb: It's just the same. Accept the avatar is a lamb.
Hornsie: Ok! Shall we play multiplayer match?
Father Lamb: Yes!
Mother Lamb: Which stadium? Lamb's Lab, Lesidental, Lowntown, Lamb Beach or the Lall?
Lamb, Father Lamb and Hornsie: Lamb Beach!
*The 4 soft toys click Lamb Beach and managed to be in the same group*
Jing Lu: *Goes back to the main page* I've finished te- oh, nobody's here!
*Meanwhile, Hornsie sends a private message to Polarb*
Polarb: Hey Hornsie where did u go?
Hornsie: Wait. Let me ask u a question - is Jing Lu 9 years old?
Polarb: Huh?
Next time on Lambook Chat 3...
Hornsie: Jing Lu, r u 9 years old?
Jing Lu: No, I'm not!
Hornsie: Lying through your teeth, is it, Jing Lu? Check your profile page!
Jing Lu: Hmmm, we'll see who's lying! *Exits the main page and goes to his profile page* Huh? I am 9 years old?
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