Cottonsocks: Lamb and Jing Lu, I want to make an anouncement. Can you ask some of the soft toys to come here?
Lamb and Jing Lu: Sure!
*After a while, the soft toys managed to get Polarb, Hornsie, Froggie, Koala, Shaun, Piggy, Porky and Doggy*
Everyone except Lamb, Jing Lu and Cottonsocks: Why did you ask us to come, Cottonsocks?
Cottonsocks: Ok, everyone. Have you went on a holiday before?
Polarb, Shaun and Porky: No, I've never went on one.
Everyone except Cottonsocks, Polarb, Shaun and Porky: Yes, I have went on a holiday!
Cottonsocks: I've never went on one too. So, anybody intrested to go for a holiday?
Everybody except Cottonsocks: YEAH!!! YES!!!
Polarb: But, where would we go to?
Lamb: Taiwan?
Jing Lu: Indonesia?
Hornsie: Lambavenue?
Shaun: Hornsie, I guarantee that everyone has went to Lambavenue before.
Hornsie: Why?
Shaun: Because everyone has to go to Lambavenue for a field trip for every school in the Lamb countries!
Hornsie: Oopsiludie. :P
Cottonsocks: I know that there's a place that you all have never went before.
Everyone except Cottonsocks: Where is it?
Cottonsocks: New Zealand!
Froggie: New Zealand? Great! I've always wanted to go to New Zealand?
Porky, Doggy and Piggy: I guess we'll have to buy some winter clothes...
*Then, Acke and Lim Kwun walks into the meeting place*
Acke and Lim Kwun: We have some good news for you, sons!
Everybody except Acke and Lim Kwun: What is it?
Can you guess the answer? Find out in Happy Lamb Dialogue 28!
Written by: Super Lamb
Photos taken by: Super Lamb
(top to bottom: Cottonsocks, Lamb, Jing Lu, Polarb, Hornsie, Froggie, Koala, Shaun, Piggy, Porky and Doggy)
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