Sunday, 30 June 2013

Happy Lamb Dialogue 26

Another Happy Lamb Dialogue! (Continued from Happy Lamb Dialogue 25)
Porky: Let's...
*Lamb's handphone rings and Shaun tells him the news*
Shaun: Hi Lamb! Please ask the other soft toys to come to Lambchick Avenue 174 now, because there's going to be a meeting there to introduce a few soft toys!
Lamb: A meeting? To introduce a few soft toys? Ok, I'll ask the soft toys who can make it to the meeting. Just to tell you that my mother and father are definitely not coming, because they are busy at the office.
Shaun: Ok. Thanks Lamb, and see you soon!
Lamb: Bye Shaun! *Puts down his phone* We have to go to Lambchick Avenue 174 now to attend a meeting, to introduce a few new soft toys.
Everyone except Lamb, Shaun, Jing Lu, Piggy and Porky: A new soft toy? Great!
Jing Lu, Piggy and Porky: So bad! We can't play Wheel Of Fortune now.
*Then, Ji Tui and Doggy walks into the house with a bag of groceries*
Ji Tui: I heard the news from Shaun that we all have to go to Lambchick Avenue 174 now to attend a meeting to introduc a few new soft toys!
Everyone except Shaun, Doggy and Ji Tui: Yep. We are preparing to leave now.
*The soft toys change clothes and arrives at Lambchick Avenue 174 after 15 minutes*
Shaun: *Steps onto the stage* Welcome everyone! Today, we are going to present you 4 new soft toys: Polarb, Horny, Froggie and Koala!
*Everyone claps their hands as the 4 soft toys steps out*
Cottonsocks: By any chance is Koala your brother, Koala Pen?
Koala Pen: Of course not! Otherwise, I would have known that a soft toy called Koala would be the new soft toy!
Carrot: But your names sound so famillar.
Koala Pen: *face palms*
Lambie: Or is he your father?
Koala Pen: You're talking nonsense! I'm way taller than him!
Lambie: I was just joking! :P
Shaun: Now, the 4 soft toys will say a speech each. *Hands the microphone to Polarb first*
Polarb: Hello citizens of Lambland! My name is Polarb and I'm 12 years old. As my parents have died when I was 3, I don't have education. I hope you all can help me to become smarter!
*All the soft toys gasp in horror, then nodded their heads*
Polarb: Thank you! *steps back*
Hornsie: Hello everyone! I'm Hornsie and I am 9 years old. I look forward to staying with you all!
*The soft toys clap their hands, and Froggie starts talking*
Froggie: Hello there! My name is Froggie and I'm born in the year of 2004, so I'm 9 years old too. I'm living at Jingjing Road (a place in Lambland), at the end of the street. I hope you'll visit me! *steps back*
*The audience claps their hands again, and Koala starts his speech*
Koala: Hi all! My name is Koala and I'm 7 years old. I was bought in Australia, the other new soft toys too!
*The soft toys were shocked to hear that they were from Australia*
Shaun: The soft toys are new to Lambland, so I hope you'll guide them around Lambland today!
Green Bear: *whispers to Doggy* Who do you think is the cutest?
Doggy: Polarb! I always feel that grown up soft toys are very cute!
Green Bear: Shhh... Shaun's talking again.
Shaun: This is the end of the conference. You may leave now.
*All the soft toys leave*
Shaun is not a new soft toy. I bought it a year ago. As for Koala Pen, he is a gift given by my aunty a year ago too.
Written by: Super Lamb
Photos taken by: Super Lamb
(top to bottom: Porky, Shaun, Lamb, Jing Lu, Ji Tui, Polarb, Hornsie, Froggie, Koala, Cottonsocks, Koala Pen, Carrot, Lambie and Piggy, Green Bear and Doggy)






My Trip to Australia Part 1

I know that for this whole week I haven't posted anything yet. Actually, I was on a Australia trip! So, to compensate, I'll try to write 2 posts in one day! And I've decided to post about my trip to Australia! And here are some of the photos of things I bought/got in Australia:

Blue Spray Fan
Soft Toys (From left to right - Row 1: Froggie, Row 2: Koala, Polarb and Hornsie)
Polar Bear Tumbler (cup)
Orange Squeezable Toy

Bouncy Ball
Here is the list of places that I bought/got the items above:
Coasters - Discount Souvenirs Shop
Polar Bear Tumbler, Polarb and Blue Spray Fan - Sea World Shop (in Sea World)
Koala and Horny - Australia Paradise Country Farm
Orange Squeezable Toy and Bouncy Ball - Movie World Arcade (in Movie World)
For Froggie, I don't know where he was bought because it was a gift.
See another post soon and the post will be featuring the new soft toys!
Written by: Super Lamb
Photos taken by: Super Lamb



Sunday, 23 June 2013

开心小羊对话 (二十四)

*从开心小羊对话 (二十三) 开始...* (这个和英文的开心小羊对话 (二十四何以) 有点不同) 绿熊:和肉猪的时间是7:39
阿可:我赢了! 每个人除了阿可,萝卜和绿熊:恭喜您!
颈鹿:我们玩 “叠银币” (英文:Stacking Coins) 每个人轮流叠一个银币,和虽弄它掉,就会扣五十分!
颈鹿:*拿到四号* 我拿到好号码!
颈鹿:我赢了!每个人除了阿可,林康和颈鹿:恭喜你,颈鹿! 颈鹿:谢谢大家!
萝卜:真好笑... 我拿到最低分... 我们收那些东西吧!

他们收完后,会做什么呢?记得要收看开心小羊对话 (二十五)




Saturday, 22 June 2013

My Creations 4 - Making a Paper Box

A few days ago, I've made a orange paper box and I've wanted to show it to you today but I have lost it! So, instead, I'll show you the videos that I followed and maybe, you can do one too!

I hope that I'll be able to show you the paper box next time, but in the meantime, enjoy the videos!
Written by: Super Lamb
Videos by (youtube username): bonjourkitty27 and videojugartscrafts

Friday, 21 June 2013

Soft Toys Speaking 2 (Happy Lamb Dialogue Sequels)

Another Soft Toys Speaking to keep you awaited! Disclaimer: The first part of this story is Happy Lamb Dialogue 30, then Soft Toys Speaking 1. Happy Lamb Dialogue 30 is not posted yet.
*The soft toys post Soft Toys Speaking 1 and waits for comments, after some time...*
Computer: *a comment appears on Soft Toys Speaking 1*
Lamb: There's one! Finally there is one!
Jing Lu: A comment? *Jing Lu runs to Lamb and there is really a comment* Come! There is a comment!
Doggy and Piggy: Great! I'll us Cottonsocks and Porky to come right now!
Cottonsocks and Porky: *runs to the computer* I HEARD THAT SOMEONE WROTE A COMMENT!!!
Lamb and Jing Lu: Yes there is! *Lamb scrolls to Soft Toys Speaking 1 and opens the comment*
Everyone (they are reading out the comment): Anne Lim: Ai ya ya why feature me again? :P Comment by Lynn.
Doggy: How can Anne Lim be Lynn? Their names are different!
Porky: Who's that woman wearing sunglasses? *Points to the person's profile picture who wrote the comment* We didn't even feature her!
Everyone except Porky: IDKWH. (I don't know what happened)
Piggy: So Anne Lim and Lynn are the same people. So weird...
Cottonsocks: And we didn't even feature her!
Lamb: Maybe we should write a note to her.
Everyone except Lamb: Great idea! *They decide to write the note under my name*
Lamb: Maybe Doggy should write this note.
Doggy: Yay! Thanks Lamb! *Writes, "Who are you?! Did we feature you at all in Soft Toys Speaking 1? Please answer! Thank you! From: The Soft Toys" Done! *Clicks enter*

Will the person answer? Find out in Soft Toys Speaking 3!

Here are the soft toys mentioned in this post.


Jing Lu


Written by: Super Lamb
Photos taken by: Super Lamb


Thursday, 20 June 2013

Happy Lamb Dialogue 25

Another Happy Lamb Dialogue! (Continued from Happy Lamb Dialogue 25)
Ji Tui: I need to go shop for some groceries. See you!
Everyone except Ji Tui: See you Ji Tui! *Ji Tui waves and he closes the door*
Cottonsocks: So, what shall we do now?
Everyone except Lamb, Jing Lu and Cottonsocks: Play games!
Lamb and Jing Lu: But what game do we play?
Cottonsocks: How about Wheel Of Fortune? But only 3 soft toys can play at once.
Carrot: Why don't we use the sticks we made last time to see who goes first?
Everybody except Carrot: Good idea, Carrot!
*The soft toys pick sticks and the first 3 players are Lamb, Cottonsocks and Green Bear*
Lamb, Green Bear and Cottonsocks: Yay! We're first!
Porky: I'll go take the tablet in our room and setup the game.
Lambie: We need a score sheet too! I'll take the paper and pen.
Piggy: I have to read the rules first because I don't know how to play.
Everybody except Lambie, Porky and Piggy: We just played it 2 days ago and you forgot how to play?! *face palms*
*Then, Porky and Lambie arrives with the tablet, paper and pen*
Lamb, Cottonsocks and Green Bear: Let's play Wheel Of Fortune! *Taps the 'Wheel of Fortune' app and presses 'Multiplayer', then '3 players' and lastly 'Main Puzzle Pack'*
Lamb: Yay! I get to go first! But why is there a female advatar?
Cottonsocks: FAINTS!!! I'm going second and I have to be the female advatar!!!
Everyone except Cottonsocks: HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!
*Lamb spins the wheel and it steps on $450, but he guessed 'L' and there were none in the puzzle*
Lamb: Oh man! *face palms*
*Cottonsocks spins, but the wheel steps on 'Lose A Turn'*
Cottonsocks: What?!
Lamb: Cottonsocks, looks like Green Bear may win!
Cottonsocks: You're right!
*Green Bear spins the wheel and it steps on $800, he presses 'R' and there are 3 'Rs' in the puzzles so he gets $2400*
Lamb and Cottonsocks: So good...
Green Bear: Woohoo! And it's still my turn! *Selects vowel, buys a 'E' for $250 and there is 1 'E' only* *He spins the wheel and it steps on $400, he presses 'B' and there are no 'Bs'
Lamb: *Lamb spins the wheel and it steps on 'Bankrupt'* WHAT?! BANKRUPT?!
Cottonsocks and Green Bear: At least you have nothing, but you lose a turn. *Cottonsocks spins the wheel and it steps on $500, he presses 'S' and there are 4 'Ss' in the puzzles so he gets $2000*
Cottonsocks: Finally! *He spins the wheel again and it steps on $2500, he presses 'T' and there are 3 'Ts' in the puzzles so his total is $9500* YESSSSS!!! *Selects vowel, buys a 'A' for $250 and there are 2 'As' in the puzzle* *Cottonsocks spins the wheel and it steps on 'Wild Card', he presses 'N' and there are 2 'Ns' in the puzzles so he gets the wild card* *He spins the wheel again and it steps on $800, he presses 'H' and there is 1 'H' in the puzzles so his total is $10050* *Selects vowel, buys a 'I' for $250 and there are 3 'Is', then he buys another 'O' for $250 and there are 3 'Os', and it says "There are no more vowels in the puzzle"* *He spins the wheel again and it steps on $500, he presses 'C' and there are 2 'Cs' in the puzzle so his total is $10550* I know the answer! *Types in 'G', 'M' and 'D'* YAY!!! THE ANSWER IS STORING CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS AND I WIN!!!
Lamb and Green Bear: So good...
Cottonsocks: Anyway, I think this post is too long-winded and the other 5 players should play another day!
The soft toys who haven't played Wheel Of Fortune in Happy Lamb Dialogue 25: We agree! See you in Happy Lamb Dialogue 26!

So, who will win Wheel Of Fortune for match 2? Jing Lu, Piggy or Porky? Find out in Happy Lamb Dialogue 26!

Written by: Super Lamb
Photos taken by: Super Lamb

(top to bottom: Ji Tui, Cottonsocks, Lamb, Jing Lu, Carrot, Green Bear, Porky and Lambie and Piggy)


Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Interview 10 with Soft Toys - Lambie

Another new soft toy interview!
Lamb: Hi Lambie, how's life?
Lambie: For that question, I'll answer ok. I don't have a lot of friends, but I have good friends like you.
Lamb: Really?
Jing Lu: *walks pass the room and hears the conversation* How about me?
Lambie: For you...
Lamb: Cut! *The camerawoman AKA Bean Wish stops the camera*
Bean Wish: What's the matter? I thought the interview is still on? (Bean Wish is still half awake half asleep as she had a bad sleep)
Lamb: Bean Wish, Jing Lu is interupting the interview so, I have to say Cut!
Lambie: You should be one too!
Jing Lu: Yay! How about Cottonsocks?
Lambie: I'm still not very famillar with him as he's new.
Lamb: Can you stop your conversation and continue it later?
Jing Lu: Oh well... Maybe I'll talk later. *walks away*
Doggy: And action! *Bean Wish starts the camera*
Lambie: *Continues the conversation* Yep, you are one of my best friends.
Lamb: Yay! And what do you do during your free time?
Lambie: Me? I only just do my homework, play games, do some housework and sell luggages at my another friend's luggage store.
Lamb: And...
Piggy and Jing Lu: *Piggy walks with Jing Lu into the room* Are you done?
Everyone except Jing Lu and Lambie: Yes, just wait until Lambie answers the last question!
*Bean Wish starts the camera again*
Lamb: And how did our owner get you?
Lambie: He got it from Downtown East. (That is in Singapore)
Lamb: Oh, ok! Cut!
Bean Wish: *Stops the camera* Hope you enjoyed this interview!

Written by: Super Lamb
Photos taken by: Super Lamb

(top to bottom: Lamb, Lambie and Piggy, Jing Lu, Bean Wish and Doggy)

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

TV Show Review 2 - Run For Money 逃走中

Welcome back! I know that after a TV Review, I've stopped writing anymore of those but finally, I've decided to "TV Review" a show that I've said in TV Review 1 - Run For Money! It's a bit like Battle for Money and I got a feeling that the creators of these 2 games are the game because the names sounds alike. Anyway, let's go to the review!

There are 3/4 hunters in a game. 1 game can last for about 50-120 minutes. Usually, before the hunters come out of their boxes, players would have to pull out strings, and 1 would be the string that would make a plank drop, and the hunters would be out, trying to catch all the players. Sometimes, in a second, 100, 200 or 300 円 would be in the bank. If the players can complete the game without letting the hunters catch them, they would earn all the money in the bank (like 98 yen, 108 yen). If the hunters catch them, their total earnings for the day would be nothing. Alternatively, at any time, they can go to a "suicide" (in this case, it means earning the total about of money at that time) counter, either use a phone, to tell them that you want to "suicide" or write a letter. During the game, there would be missions, which they would tell them what to do from a mobile phone given to them. Some would be notices, some may be asking you to make choices, some may be a mission like they may set a few hunter boxes, and they would have to stop the extra hunters to come out by doing something. There are many types of missions. The players can choose whether they want to do the mission, but if they want to do it, defintely there would be more chance of hunters spotting them.

Gameplay/Concept: 9/10
Pictures: 8/10
Addicted or not (level): 9 and a half/10
Total: 26 and a half/30
That's quite a good one, because it falls into the 'Reccomended' section! That's the end and I hoped you enjoyed it!

Written by: Super Lamb

Monday, 17 June 2013

Happy Lamb Dialogue 24

Here's Happy Lamb Dialogue 24! (Continued from Happy Lamb Dialogue 23)
Green Bear: And Porky's timing is 7:39!
Acke: I've won! Yay!
Everyone except Acke, Carrot and Green Bear: Congrats Mum! (For Lim Kwun he'll say Wife)
Lamb: Why don't we do something else? I'm bored of all those Brain Teaser HLD's.
Jing Lu: How about stacking coins? Everyone takes a turn to stack a coin, and whoever makes the stack drop loses!
Porky: Great idea, Jing Lu!
Jing Lu: Thanks. *smiles at Porky*
Piggy: I'll go get the coins.
Cottonsocks: I'll prepare the other props then.
*Soon Piggy and Cottonsocks gets the props and all the soft toys picks sticks to see who goes first*
Lim Kwun: *Lim Kwun's phone rings and he answers* What?! Ok, bye bye! *Hangs up the phone* Children, me and Mum has to go, something serious happened at my office!
Everybody except Lim Kwun and Acke: Bye bye parents! *Acke closes the door*
Jing Lu: Pick a stick... Pick a stick... *Jing Lu picks a stick and sees the number 4*
Lambie: That's quite good a number!
*From the 1st person to stack a coin to the 8th person - Green Bear, Carrot, Piggy, Jing Lu, Porky, Cottonsocks, Lambie then Lamb*
Jing Lu: Randomly, you will pick coins, from 10 cents, 20 cents, 50 cents and 1 dollar. If you pick up a 10 cent coin (you cannot choose what coin you want) and stack it up without falling, you will get 40 points, for 20 cents 30 points, 1 dollar 20 points, and 50 cents 10 points. For all coins, you must use your left hand (if you are a right hander) and right hand (if you are a left hander) to stack. If you drop the tower, after the game 50 points will be deducted. If you drop the tower 2 times, after the game 100 points will be deducted! Once the tower has been dropped 3 times, the game is over. Green Bear, start now!
Green Bear: Yeah! *Gets a 1 dollar coin and stacks it properly* Yeah! I've got 20 points!
*Subsequently, Cottonsocks gets 40 PTS (short form of points), Piggy 20 PTS, Jing Lu, 20 PTS, Porky, 10 PTS, Carrot 20 PTS, Lambie, 30 PTS and Lamb, 40 PTS*
Lamb and Cottonsocks: We have the highest points! Yeah! *claps hands*
Porky: I only got 10 points...
Lambie: It's ok Porky. Green Bear you can start!
Green Bear: Ok! *Stacks a 10 cent coin perfectly*
*After Cottonsocks' turn...*
Piggy: Why oh why must I have to take a 50 cent coin? (Btw he stacked it well)
Everyone except Piggy, Acke and Lim Kwun: IDK. (I don't know)
Porky: *After his own turn* Oh man! 2 times in a row 50 cent coins!
Piggy: I think me and Porky are very bad at this game!
Porky: I agree!
*After the round, the soft toys leading were Lamb, Cottonsocks and Green Bear*
Lamb: Hey Green Bear, you are in the lead too!
Green Bear: Thanks Lamb!
*When it reached Carrot's turn, the tower dropped and he has to forfeit his turn, the coin that dropped too will be put back into the container*
Jing Lu: 2 more times the tower drops and the game is over!
*Then, Lambie also topples the tower*
*Then Lamb safely stacks a 1 dollar coin well*
Lamb: Phew! I thought I would make the tower drop!
*But next, Green Bear drops the tower*
Jing Lu: The game is over! And Green Bear, Lambie and Carrot, I'll have to deduct 50 points from each of you.
Green Bear, Carrot and Lambie: ARGH?!
Ji Tui: *walks pass* Wow, looks like you have finished your game! Can I announce the scores?
Jing Lu: Sure. Here's the score sheet. *passes it to Ji Tui*
Ji Tui: *after counting the scores* Jing Lu has 90 PTS, Lamb 80 PTS, Carrot -10 PTS, *chuckles a bit* Porky 40 PTS, Lambie 0 PTS, *also chuckles* Piggy 70 PTS, Cottonsocks 80 PTS and Green Bear 30 PTS. So the winner is... Jing Lu!
Jing Lu: What!? Me?!
Everyone except Jing Lu, Acke and Lim Kwun: Congratulations to Jing Lu!
Jing Lu: Thanks everyone!
Carrot: So funny... I got a negative number... Anyway, let's keep the props!

What will the soft toys do after they keep the props? Find out in Happy Lamb Dialogue 25!

Written by: Super Lamb
Photos taken by: Super Lamb

(top to bottom: Green Bear, Carrot, Lamb, Jing Lu, Porky, Piggy and Lambie, Cottonsocks and Ji Tui)